Power Skating
AMRA is pleased to partner with Next Gen Hky again this year to run a power skating program. The program will be designed to work with the specific age & skill levels, working with the players and taking them out of their skating comfort zones.
The program will be developed for the different levels for all aspects of skating.
The program is initially only available for registered members of AMRA ringette.
The cost is $300 for 12 sessions at the Nick Smith Centre :
FUN2-FUN3 from 5:30-6:30pm
U12 and up from 6:30-7:30pm
Program dates are as follows:
September 13, 20, 27
Oct 4, 11, 18, 25
Nov 1, 8, 22
Dec 6, 13
Please complete this registration form for each skater.
Please send FULL payment to amratreasurer@gmail.com
**payment must be received to confirm spot